The concept of building rapport with your customers is age-old, and it is as essential for an online business as it is an on-site business. Many people are becoming more sophisticated when it comes to buying products they want. They mostly prefer to buy products from companies they trust and know. You will only gain referrals if a person trusts you enough to pass your name along to their friends. This is solutions to social medial advertising or just any internet relationship.
Perry Belcher's 'know, like and trust' concept is about creating these trusting relationships using social media networks. This is concerned about establishing rapport with clients and allowing them to know, like and trust your business. To help you better understand the concept, it is evaluated below:
1. Know
Perry Belcher has started his realm in social media marketing with the use of Twitter, a social media platform. Even though there are a lot of tips on how to properly use Twitter, you need to create a plan before you start with your marketing endeavors. If you want to become successful, you need to do it the right way. This is critical to your success.
First, always have a profile picture of yourself in any social networking profile. You photograph needs to appear intelligent and smart, but not too much to avoid creating psychological barriers. Make use of the entire Twitter characters. In doing so, be sure that you are establishing yourself and not what your business offers. This can greatly help with your goal of creating good connection with your customers. You can see its significant results in time. It is also recommended that you place a link to your blog and NOT your sales site.
One important element that mostly overlooked by business twitter accounts is sending welcome message and message of appreciation to their followers. Following an individual can be compared to extending your hand for a handshake and it is tremendously offensive if you will not accept that hand. Remember, there's no commitment to the follower once you have welcomed them - you always have the option of unfollowing or blocking.
2. Like
This is what Perry Belcher calls a 'courting phase'. It is where you interact with your followers when they respond to tweets, or vice versa. If by chance, you are associating on Facebook, you can establish things that you are interested in. This will provide some activity in your Facebook friends' timeline and get them both knowing and liking you through constant interaction.
3. Trust
You can also build trust with your customers with the help of your blog. You can post blogs regularly about those that mostly interest you and the contents you emphasize on. You need to have links that will divert your friends and followers to your blog. Through this, they can start trusting you.
On your blog, you need to have a different page that will advertise various business and sales opportunities. As more consumers trust you, they will continue to click on the page. This is the key and foundation of productivity in social medial advertising.
To wrap it up, social medial marketing can really be helpful. As long as you perform the right procedure, you can make things happen.